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Prime Minister Fails to Address Village Leaders’ Concerns; Situation Worsens, Says Mayor

Yesterday, village leaders met with the Prime Minister to express their deep concerns about the worsening situation in terms of overall management. They highlighted that things are progressively getting worse at an alarming rate, with significant changes happening within a matter of days and weeks.

During a meeting with journalists on April 23, the President of the “Social Alliance” party and mayor, Suren Petrosyan, discussed the villagers’ perspective. He mentioned that the villagers believe the situation has become unbearable, even though the government claims they are working towards improvement. Petrosyan expressed the need to wait a few more days to determine who is ultimately responsible for the situation.

Based on Petrosyan’s statement, the village leaders are highly respected and independent individuals who cannot be easily influenced. They are genuinely concerned and express their frustrations every day. This is because they have never faced such difficulties before, making it challenging for them to believe that such a situation is possible.

This news comes from Armenia’s The article provides insights into the concerns raised by village leaders and the perspective of Suren Petrosyan, the President of the “Social Alliance” party.

Freelance journalist specializing in the underrepresented stories of the Russian far east.