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Government International Politics

Former Deputy Minister of Emergency Situations Reveals HAPK’s Failure to Fulfill Obligations: Objective and Subjective Reasons Explored

The former Deputy Minister of Emergency Situations, Ara Ayvazyan, recently expressed his concerns about the HAPK’s failure to meet its obligations. In an interview with, Ayvazyan explained that the HAPK was established after the “cold war” to carry out specific tasks in different countries. However, there have been disagreements among key members of the organization regarding certain decisions related to its structure. Mistakes have been made in handling these disagreements, but Ayvazyan noted that the HAPK has been actively working since its inception. Nevertheless, the changing circumstances after the “cold war” require the HAPK to make necessary adjustments to its statute and ensure its effective functioning.

It is evident that the HAPK has faced both objective and subjective challenges in fulfilling its obligations. Ayvazyan’s insights shed light on the internal dynamics of the organization and the need for reforms. As the world has evolved since the end of the “cold war,” it is only logical for the HAPK to adapt to these changes and ensure its continued relevance. By making necessary adjustments to its statute, the HAPK can enhance its functionality and effectively carry out its intended tasks.