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Around the Globle

“Tavush Villagers Rejoice as Central Road in Kirants Reopens after Border Protest”

Recently, a section of the central road in the village of Kirants in the Tavush region was reopened after being closed off to the villagers. This closure was due to their protest against ongoing border changes that resulted in the border with Azerbaijan passing through their village, including important establishments like the school and the church.

On Sunday, the mayors of Kirants, Berkaber, and Voskepar are scheduled to meet with the deputy prime minister, Mher Grigoryan, to discuss this border issue. Tensions have risen in Tavush, leading to the local residents closing the central road between Baghanis and Kirants.

Residents from Baghanis, Voskepar, Kirants, Barekamavan, Koti, Dilijan, Ijevan, and other settlements in Tavush have gathered in solidarity. It is worth noting that a meeting took place yesterday between representatives from Armenia and Azerbaijan to discuss the delimitation of the state border between the two countries.

The co-chairs of the Armenian-Azerbaijani intergovernmental commission, Mher Grigoryan and Shahin Mustafayev, were also present. They agreed to organize a visit in the near future to several sections of the interstate border, including Baganis-Baganis Ayrum, Voskepar-Ashaghi Askipara, Kirants-Kheyrumli, and Barekam-Kesel Hachil. This visit will be organized based on the provisions of the Luncheon Club’s statement on the principle of delimitation of the state border.

Known for his narratives on migration and the struggles of Hispanic communities.