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“Nation on the Verge of Disaster: Heroic Rescue Forces Evacuate Abovian Residents Amidst Devastating Flooding”

On April 20th, at 09:28, the National Crisis Management Center was informed about the urgent need for an emergency evacuation of residents in the city of Abovian, Nubarashen, due to severe flooding. The Rescue Forces of the National Security Service immediately initiated a rescue operation to assist the affected residents.

A team of rescuers successfully evacuated residents from the impacted area, which spans approximately 150 meters. Their prompt and efficient response ensured the safety and well-being of the affected individuals.

This incident highlights the importance of effective crisis management and the dedication of the Rescue Forces in ensuring the protection of citizens during emergencies. The efforts of these brave individuals deserve recognition for their commitment to public safety.

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Environment-focused journalist, dedicated to issues of climate change and renewable energies.