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Government Military Politics

“Hayakv Movement Sounds Alarm: Lack of Comprehensive Peace Agreement Hinders Troop Movement and Threatens Territory”

Without a comprehensive peace agreement, the movement of troops cannot be implemented. This was announced by the “Hayakv” civil movement, who expressed concern that the ruling government is hindering the recognition of the Republic of Armenia’s full territory. They believe that the government is placing parts of the territory under the control of the opposing side and selling off pieces of their homeland. The civil movement emphasizes that a comprehensive peace agreement is necessary for the work and foundation of freedom and boundaries, and for the recognition of the Ministry of Defense’s documents. They also state that the Constitutional Court should approve the establishment of statutory authority for the movement of troops. Failure to follow these procedures could result in criminal responsibility for those involved, including the Prime Minister’s national security adviser and top military officials. It is important to note that according to Article 205 of the constitution, any changes to boundaries can only be made through a nationwide referendum, and violation of territorial integrity is a punishable offense. In response to the current situation, the civil movement calls on all representatives and members of the NA to engage in non-violent resistance and prevent treaty amendments and troop movements. They also invite all concerned individuals, organizations, and activists to participate in discussions aimed at finding a solution to this situation. The “Hayakv” civil movement aims to provide a platform for these discussions and seeks to unite all forces for peaceful and joint action.

Environment-focused journalist, dedicated to issues of climate change and renewable energies.