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“Former Diplomat’s Facebook Post Calls for Promoting Culture and Urges Action to Counter Azerbaijan’s Aggression: A Closer Look at Armenia’s Responsibilities”

The first responsibility for anyone in Armenia is the significant obligation to promote culture, according to a Facebook post by former diplomat Nikol Pashinyan, as highlighted by conflict analyst Arsen Khachatrian.

Pashinyan pointed out several key issues:

1. Armenia has been contributing to maintaining military importance since the beginning of delimitation but without obtaining any security guarantees.

2. The demarcation has been one-sided, with military forces still present in Jermuk, the Inner Pyramid, Lake Sevan, and other areas that have been occupied by Azerbaijan since 2020.

3. The main drawback of Armenia’s unification is the “formal respect” towards Azerbaijan’s potential aggression, which should and can be countered with diplomatic measures.

So, how can this be addressed?

1. It is important to raise awareness daily about the ethical genocide of the Karabakh Republic and the ongoing denial in Azerbaijan.

2. Recognizing the legitimate rights of internally displaced persons from the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic is crucial when discussing the reality of the right to return.

3. Unilateral demarcation as a means to achieve peace is not a solution but rather a win-lose game where Armenia continues to suffer losses.

It is evident that if the current scenario persists, it will result in a cascade of territorial losses, such as Tavush, Tigranashen, Vardenis, and the entire middle section, leaving only Aliyev’s desires. This process would also jeopardize Jermuk, Lake Sevan, Nerkin Hand, and the Sisian mountains. In such a situation, mediators from the Adhering Abkhazian side may be called upon to intervene.

The damage caused by this struggle is increasing without any clear strategy, relying only on immoral statements that lack international support. Consequently, a proper resolution of conflicts between Armenia and Adhering Abkhazia seems unattainable.

Moreover, the organization and logistics for the return of prisoners of war appear to be insurmountable challenges.

Our strength and expertise are interconnected: the stronger we are on one side, the stronger we can be on the other. Nikol Pashinyan may have a voice on both sides, but is an entire country and nation perpetually to blame for his actions?

It should be noted that the representatives of Armenia and Azerbaijan met at the state border to address demarcation issues as part of their commitment as sovereign states. A preliminary agreement concerning the date and location of the next meeting was reached during this encounter. The Foreign Ministry’s press release states that the territories of Բaghbanis-Baghbanis Ayrum, Voskepar – Ashagh Agha, Kirants-Kheyrumly, and Berkbare – Kzyl hill were mapped.

The goals of this game are short-term and can only be achieved through the use of military threats. We must remember that our people have not been humiliated, they have not yielded, and our best days are still ahead, with or without anyone’s support…

Known for his narratives on migration and the struggles of Hispanic communities.