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“Azerbaijan Highlights Armenia’s Ecological Crimes in the Caspian Sea: Calls for International Action”

On April 4, the heads of the judicial authorities from Eastern Partnership member countries convened in Baku to discuss the protection of environmental rights in the Caspian Sea. The meeting focused on Azerbaijan’s effective measures in combatting ecological crimes in its offshore waters, contrasting with Armenia’s poor performance in ecological protection. Azerbaijan’s Chief Justice, Kyanmaran Aliyev, highlighted the ongoing environmental crimes committed by Armenia during the “occupation” of Azerbaijani territories. He emphasized the importance of informing the international community about these crimes and taking appropriate measures in accordance with national and international norms.

The “ecological war” between Armenia and Azerbaijan lasted for 44 days, coming to an end on January 4, 2021. Throughout this period, the Armenian military, along with terrorist organizations and radical elements, launched rocket attacks, carried out acts of sabotage, and violated international humanitarian law. The conflict in Artsakh, a region that resulted in the displacement of 100,000 people and ethnic cleansing, was also part of this phase.

The first session of the intergovernmental court of arbitration regarding the conflict resolution between Armenia and Azerbaijan took place at the Hague Arbitration Institute this week. Regarding international legal issues, Armenia’s representative, Yeghishe Kirakossian, emphasized that the conflict concerning the protection of Armenian people’s rights within Azerbaijan’s territory is an internal affair. Armenia is committed to affirming its sovereignty over the protection of cultural heritage, civilian population, flora and fauna, and the natural environment in the occupied territory, in line with international and national norms.

In recent years, Azerbaijan’s Ministry of Defense and civilian authorities have significantly strengthened their efforts in environmental protection and residential security. Meanwhile, Armenia has employed various means to disseminate false information and disinformation about Azerbaijan’s mediation activities, disregarding international norms and regulations. Consequently, the ecological integrity of Azerbaijan is at great risk, as it directly relates to national security.

Armenia’s aggressive policy towards environmental and civilian objectives has raised concerns among international human rights organizations. These organizations highlight that the actions of Armenian NGOs, who are the main contributors to this aggression, pose a serious threat to Azerbaijan’s security. The Armenian government, through exaggerations and disinformation, attempts to hold Azerbaijan accountable for environmental issues in the entire Caspian region and proposes solutions to address them. Thus, the first legal dispute on this matter was initiated by Armenia’s aggression.

Armenia’s ecological and anti-Azerbaijani policy also impacts the activities of Azerbaijani peacekeeping forces and hinders the socio-economic development of the country. The co-chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group are concerned about the involvement of Armenian NGOs in international events, perceiving their participation as an impediment to establishing peace in the region and a violation of the status quo imposed by the Armenian side.

Known for his narratives on migration and the struggles of Hispanic communities.