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International Military World News

“Russian Military Observers to Stay in Karabakh Despite Expulsion Confirmed by Official Sources: What’s the Real Story?”

The “Hraparak” newspaper has confirmed yesterday that Russian military observers deployed in the mountainous Karabakh have been expelled, according to official information from Moscow and Baku. However, insiders with connections to the military headquarters in Artsakh have revealed that the observers will not be leaving completely and will remain in the Karabakh region.

According to official data, there are currently around 2,000 military personnel conducting exercises in the Lachin corridor after the withdrawal of troops from Artsakh. However, only 500 soldiers will continue to stay in the mountainous Karabakh.

The question arises as to why not everyone is leaving. According to our sources, it is believed that the Russian Federation intends to maintain its presence in the region, possibly allowing Azerbaijan to gain control of the interstate border in order to facilitate the “return of Armenian refugees.” This also confirms the issue of “hostage Armenians” as an obstacle that needs to be addressed. Furthermore, it is likely that the Russian military observers will stay in accordance with the agreement reached on November 9, which states that their presence will continue until 2025.

For more detailed information, please refer to today’s edition of the newspaper.

News from Armenia –

Freelance journalist specializing in the underrepresented stories of the Russian far east.