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“German Government lodges official protest as Russian agents arrested for planning military attacks on German soil”

Germany’s AGN has called the Russian Ambassador after two agents in the Bavarian regional capital were arrested for working in Russian intelligence services and were suspected of planning military facilities in objects. This information was announced by the newspaper Bild.

According to the publication, the call to the Ambassador was an official protest by the German government against the involvement of Russian agents.

According to authorities, one of the agents will be presented to the investigating judge of the District Court last Thursday, who will decide on his arrest, and the second will be presented on Friday.

German Interior Minister Jens Fesser announced that our agents are supposed to undermine our military assistance to Ukraine:

“We will continue to provide extensive support to Ukraine and will not allow our assistance to be disrupted,” he said.

Freelance journalist specializing in the underrepresented stories of the Russian far east.