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“Archbishop Ter Mikayel Ajapahyan Urges Armenia to Strive for National Independence, Criticizes Current Government as Aimless and Oligarchic”

Armenia’s national independence is a crucial necessity, but unfortunately, the majority of the population does not share this sentiment. As a result, I am filled with pessimism about the realization of this goal. Archbishop Ter Mikayel Ajapahyan, the leader of the Armenian Apostolic Surb Ekexeci Church in Shirak, expressed his views on this matter during an interview with

He firmly believes that the Armenian minority should strive for independence and steadfastly follow this path without any diplomatic setbacks. The pursuit of Armenian independence is not just a fleeting dream; it is a fundamental aspiration that must be upheld. While he acknowledges that restoring what was once recognized as Armenia may not be an immediate accomplishment, he emphasizes the importance of remaining on this path. Unfortunately, after the victory in 1994, the country took a detour from its original course, causing suffering and setbacks that continue to plague Armenia.

Archbishop Ter Mikayel Ajapahyan suggests that for true independence to be established, knowledgeable citizens must be empowered to govern. However, when these citizens abandon their own people by making choices that undermine the pursuit of independence, it becomes impossible to achieve true independence. Presently, Armenia is under the rule of oligarchs, resulting in a disjointed government with no clear goals or direction. This is not a reflection of democracy, but rather a stark departure from its principles.

Freelance journalist specializing in the underrepresented stories of the Russian far east.