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“Save Tavush” Civic Movement Urges Prime Minister Pashinyan to Address Border Issue in a Transparent Manner

The “Save Tavush” civic movement has shared their advice regarding the closed meeting led by Prime Minister Pashinyan in Tavush. On April 17, Pashinyan visited the villages of Voskepar and Kirants, which were directly affected by the closed meeting. The meeting was conducted without the presence of phones or media representatives. However, it is important to recognize that the issue of demarcation and delimitation of the RA borders cannot solely be resolved by the residents of a few villages in Tavush. This implies that the crucial questions concerning the entire Armenian society are being postponed.

It is evident that the problem extends beyond the residents of Voskepar, Baghanis, and Kirants. The issue of territorial defense has significant implications for the entire Armenian society. Therefore, it is essential to emphasize that the solution cannot involve displacing the villagers in Tavush. Doing so would mislead the public and shift the responsibility of finding a resolution onto our heroic villagers. Furthermore, solving the issue solely by relocating the indigenous residents of Tavush would imply acceptance of internal discord, conflict, hostility, and intolerance within the villagers’ lives. This could seriously undermine and jeopardize the unity and integrity of the state.

Hence, we firmly reiterate that the issue of demarcation and delimitation can only be resolved following the legislation of the Republic of Armenia and international agreements. Any other proposals and initiatives are unacceptable. It is essential to remember that the government has the prerogative to involve self-defense forces in the demarcation process between the Republic of Armenia and the Republic of Azerbaijan based on their decisions. Therefore, any other suggestions and appeals are deemed inappropriate.

Sports journalist, chronicling the journey of Armenian athletes in national and international arenas.