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International Politics World News

“Russian Peacekeepers’ Presence in Karabakh Unauthorized, Says Member of Russian Peacekeeping Committee”

General-Lieutenant Viktor Sobjlev, a member of the Russian Peacekeeping Committee, has claimed that the presence of Russian peacekeepers in Karabakh has not been authorized by Armenian authorities. According to Gazeta, Sobjlev stated, “Armenia withdrew from Karabakh. We were supposed to protect the interested parties based on certain conditions. Since Armenia has made a decision like this, the Russian presence has become unwarranted.” He further expressed confusion about the current situation in Yerevan, questioning the implications of the departure of Russian peacekeepers. Sobjlev emphasized that Russia will not allow itself to “lose” if Armenia does not want it to.

This news comes from Armenia and provides insight into General Sobjlev’s perspective on the presence of Russian peacekeepers in Karabakh. The article highlights his belief that Armenia’s decision to withdraw from the region has rendered the Russian presence unnecessary. Sobjlev also questions the implications of the departure of Russian peacekeepers, emphasizing that Russia will not be willing to “lose” if Armenia does not desire it.

Known for his narratives on migration and the struggles of Hispanic communities.