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Crime Law & Order

“Police Expose Disturbing Network: Human Trafficking Operation Uncovered, Involving Violence, Exploitation, and More”

According to the official statement from the police, incidents of human trafficking were exposed on April 16-17. These included 76 cases of individuals participating in depriving others of their right to transportation, either by driving despite having a suspended license or without a valid license altogether. The perpetrators were also involved in 19 cases of physical violence, theft, drug trafficking, 6 cases of mental abuse, 5 cases of sexual exploitation, 3 cases of forced labor, violation of property rights, destruction of shelter, violation of labor protection or security requirements, 2 cases of self-prostitution, illegal production of documents, escape from personal custody, violation of public order, short-term or long-term detention, computer crimes, humiliation, arson, attempted suicide, and dissemination of personal information. As of now, 3 investigations are underway, and 5 people have been arrested.

During the past day, the country has witnessed 15 traffic accidents, resulting in the death of 1 person and 17 individuals sustaining various degrees of bodily injuries.

This is the latest news coming from Armenia.

Environment-focused journalist, dedicated to issues of climate change and renewable energies.