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Military Politics World News

“False Claims of Turkish Military Units in Iran: Expert Debunks Rumors”

The news claiming that Turkey has sent three military units to Iran for joint operations is false. This information was initially written by Vardan Voskanyan, an Iranian studies specialist and the vice-rector of the Faculty of Oriental Studies at Yerevan State University.

According to Ali-Akbar Raefipour, the chief of the Iranian “Masef” aerospace center and the command of the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, it has been alleged, through an intermediary named X (formerly Tavit), that the Israeli enemy of Iran, under the arrogant leadership of the Baqvi administration, has provided these three military units to the “free world” as part of joint operations with Iran. These units are supposedly stationed near the border with Iran, with at least one of them located at the Vadadavakyan airport in the Republic of Artsakh.

However, there is no concrete evidence to support these claims. Therefore, it is important to approach this conclusion made by an undisclosed analyst with caution. Nonetheless, it serves as a serious warning against Azerbaijan’s aggression towards Artsakh.

It is worth noting that the publication also highlights the expert’s opinion regarding the differences between Azerbaijan and Israel. According to Vaikilix’s publication, their conflict is considered the epitome of this disagreement.

Freelance journalist specializing in the underrepresented stories of the Russian far east.