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Election Results: Punishing Our Representatives, Not Bringing in New Ones, Says Spokesperson for “Armenia” Alliance

In the aftermath of the local government election, it appears that instead of bringing in new representatives, we are actually punishing our current ones. This concern was raised by Ishkhan Saghatelyan, the spokesperson for the “Armenia” alliance, during a meeting with village residents.

Saghatelyan emphasized the need for political leadership change, highlighting the importance of the Aravmooutk corridor in ensuring national security. He explained that relying solely on this corridor would not guarantee our safety, but rather, we should leverage our military alliance with Russia and explore various opportunities to address security concerns in areas of conflict.

Additionally, Saghatelyan mentioned the potential partnerships with Iran, as they have expressed their support for Armenia’s territorial integrity. He criticized the current authorities for rejecting proposals that could have improved the country’s management.

Furthermore, Saghatelyan pointed out that during the recent visit of the NATO Secretary-General to Yerevan, there was no mention of Armenia’s security nor the aggression of Azerbaijan, whose troops are present on the territory of the Republic of Armenia. This, he argued, demonstrated how the current administration prioritizes Russia over addressing issues concerning Azerbaijan and Turkey.

It is worth noting that representatives of the “Armenia” alliance recently visited Vayots Dzor, engaging in discussions with local residents to address concerns and answer questions regarding the current state of the country.

Source: News from Armenia –