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Health Investigations

“Incident in Aragatsotn Province Leaves 15-Year-Old with Severe Burns After Gas Cylinder Explosion”

On April 6, a tragic incident occurred in the Aragatsotn province. According to, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Armenia received a distress call from the emergency unit of the “Astarak” department of the “Astarak” Medical Center. The call reported that a child had been brought to them for medical treatment after suffering severe burns. The burns were caused by a “Tir” gas cylinder exploding while the child was cleaning it with a lighter near a village in the province.

The injured person, a 15-year-old resident of the Aragatsotn province, was transferred to the hospital for treatment. It was later discovered that earlier that same day, the teenager had accidentally caught fire while attempting to clean the gas pipe under their kitchen stove. They had neglected to turn off the gas cylinder before doing so. The resulting burns on their right hand caused significant damage to their body tissues.

In response to the situation, the hospital’s department compiled necessary documents, which have been forwarded to the Investigative Committee of the Republic of Armenia for further investigation.

This news comes from Armenia’s