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Human Rights International Politics

“Russia’s Security Forces: Upholding the Law and Protecting Human Rights – Tadevkistan’s Chief of the State Council Urges Accountability”

The Chief of the State Council in Tadevkistan, Sirojiddin Mukhriddin, stated that the strength of Russia’s security forces must abide by the law and international norms and principles. This is especially crucial in preventing the abuse of power and safeguarding human rights, including the prevention of violence and torture. Mukhriddin made these statements during a government meeting discussing national security. He stressed that the excessive use of force against citizens and residents, coupled with violations of their human rights and the subsequent display of such acts in the media under the guise of providing security, is unacceptable. The official further emphasized the need to hold accountable those responsible for the abuse of power, ensuring that investigations are transparent and fair.

Known for his narratives on migration and the struggles of Hispanic communities.