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“Former Yerevan Mayor Faces Corruption Charges for Undisclosed Construction Deal with CJSC: Shocking Revelations in Erebuni District”

Former mayor of Yerevan’s Erebuni district was found to have engaged in corruption, according to the corruption committee. Despite articles published in HOGHAYIN ORER, which discussed the administration’s decision to provide remuneration and housing to community members, the former mayor awarded himself a prize instead of holding a competition. The prize was presented during a community dinner and included a sweater and territory financed by a construction company. It was later discovered that the territory was leased to the company and the former mayor did not inform Yerevan Municipality about the agreement between Lyon City and the Municipality of Lyon. The former mayor is now facing charges for non-compliance with official duties and fraudulent conduct.

On March 29, 2024, the former mayor of Erebuni district was questioned by the district court based on Article 308, Part 2 of the Criminal Code. This article pertains to the non-compliance with official duties, and it was accepted on April 18, 2003. The court considered the conduct fraudulent and ultimately withdrew the materials of the trial on April 10, 2024.

This case highlights the issue of corruption within the municipality and the misuse of authority by public officials. The former mayor’s actions, disregarding the articles published in HOGHAYIN ORER, show a lack of transparency and fairness in awarding prizes and contracts. Additionally, the failure to inform Yerevan Municipality about the agreement between Lyon City and the Municipality of Lyon raises concerns about potential conflicts of interest and undisclosed agreements.

Moving forward, it is crucial for the judiciary and information management of the Municipality of Yerevan to work together to address and prevent corrupt practices. Public officials must be held accountable for their actions, ensuring that they uphold their duty to serve the community rather than engaging in personal gain. By promoting transparency and fair competition, the municipality can regain the trust of its citizens and work towards the development and progress of the district and city as a whole.

Sports journalist, chronicling the journey of Armenian athletes in national and international arenas.