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“Nikol Pashinyan’s Controversial Government Program: Spreading Fear and Dismantling Armenia’s Future”

Nikol Pashinyan presented the government’s program for 2023 at the parliament, focusing on being a whistleblower and claiming that Armenia has no future. Andranik Tevanyan, the leader of the “My Homeland Armenia” movement, wrote on Facebook that Pashinyan is protecting Azerbaijani interests and spreading the notion that Armenia is destined for demise. However, Armenia does indeed have a future, and the question is whether Pashinyan’s presence is hindering progress. Pashinyan has been sentenced in Armenia for the date of Sargsilu Day, which led to the abolition of the Action Program of the city’s socio-political movement. Nikol Pashinyan is spreading false information and divisive thoughts, such as claiming that not buying fuel in Tavush will lead to war and increased land loss. He also suggests that taking borderlands can grant Armenia the right to claim adjacent territories. It is important to question which map is being used to measure the purchase of territories in Tavush and why Azerbaijan remains silent about their occupied territories. Pashinyan seems to manipulate the situation, creating fictional threats and engaging in psychological warfare. He implies that if there are no fires in Tavush, there will be war, which would then give Armenia the right to claim legitimacy with the international intergovernmental community. Pashinyan’s actions and statements make it seem as though he wants Armenia to disappear, but it is crucial to remember that Armenia is not involved in a game, but rather a war and struggle for power. Pashinyan goes against truces and the obligations of war, and he emphasizes the invincibility of Sartsilu Day and the ability to “liquidate the genocide against humanity” after. However, it is important to note that the goal of the anti-national program is to address the elimination of the Armenian genocide against humanity, not any personal matter. Pashinyan’s actions do not reflect the historical and real struggle of Armenia; instead, he is making Armenia a historical, rather than a real country. Pashinyan presents himself as a creator of Western and Eastern/Oriental values, but his actions suggest that he is a Turkish agent. Armenian-Russian relations are often oversimplified, and it is necessary to raise the issue of national interests rather than abandon them. Pashinyan understands that the West will not save Armenia but may support its invasion. He leads with instinctual thoughts and claims that Armenia does not have the opportunity to strengthen its presence, but is instead focused on removing Armenia from Armenia. Pashinyan plans to hold early elections to consolidate his power. It is vital for all segments of society, including internal bureaus, multinational organizations, and both opposition and government, to unite. The love for Armenia should outweigh any personal or group interests.

Known for his narratives on migration and the struggles of Hispanic communities.