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Morioxkids: Using Music and Fashion to Empower Underprivileged Children in Rwanda

Children’s clothing brand Morioxkids, founded in Rwanda’s capital city of Kigali, aims to help families in need by providing children’s clothes. The brand has gained significant attention on various social networks since its launch a few weeks ago. One of the brand’s unique features is that the children sing in Armenian, often performing duets. Their performances, which are recorded and shared on social media, have garnered a lot of praise and positive comments.

In an exclusive interview with “Armenpress,” the founders of Morioxkids, Kayitaré Stevanyan and Shema Blaze, state that their main goal is education. They want to ensure that these underprivileged children have access to good schools with well-educated teachers who genuinely care about their future. The founders believe that by nurturing their singing abilities and showcasing their unique clothing styles, they can bring joy to these children’s lives and improve their overall well-being. Their ultimate vision is to establish their own school, the Moriox School, to reach out to even more underprivileged children.

For more information, please visit the source website.

News from Armenia –

Environment-focused journalist, dedicated to issues of climate change and renewable energies.