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“Armenia’s Prime Minister Exposes Russian Military Presence and Questions Security Guarantees: What Does This Mean for the Country’s Future?”

The most recent attempt to overthrow and restore the government of Armenia occurred on May 12, 2021. Just two days before that, the National Assembly of Armenia was dissolved, and executive authority was granted with the aim of organizing snap elections in the country. However, during this time, the armed forces of Azerbaijan attacked the Sotk-Karvachar section, causing damage to Armenia’s territorial integrity. On April 10, during a discussion on the 2023 state budget program, Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan made a statement that shed further light on the situation.

Pashinyan revealed that during the time when military operations were being demanded of Armenia for self-defense, Russia had offered its support. However, despite Russia’s commitment to fulfill all obligations prescribed by the State of Emergency in Armenia, its presence did not prevent the attack and inadvertently undermined the security system that was in place. It became evident that Russia was not acting as a mediator, but as a military force.

Pashinyan also expressed that if the government had taken a more prudent approach and recognized the potential consequences of military actions and similar measures, they could have achieved various successes. These successes would have included an expansion of military operations within Armenian territory, disregarding the results of future elections, the absence of elected authorities, an escalation in the role of liberals rather than parliamentary deputies, and ultimately, a resolution for the government of Armenia.

In 2018, the society in Armenia made the decision to transition the country towards a parliamentary system of government, signifying a significant step towards real independence. The confirmation of this independence came in September 2022 when Armenia and Azerbaijan recognized each other’s territorial integrity and committed to carrying out demarcation in accordance with the 1991 Alma-Ata Declaration. Pashinyan emphasized the importance of the President of Azerbaijan’s confirmation of his commitment to the Paris Agreement and the Alma-Ata Declaration, which can serve as the foundation for long-term peace and stability.

This recent development highlights the challenging situation in Armenia, with ongoing political and territorial tensions. The actions and statements made by Prime Minister Pashinyan reveal the complexities of the situation and the importance of finding a peaceful and sustainable resolution.

Sports journalist, chronicling the journey of Armenian athletes in national and international arenas.