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“Candles of Silence: President Kocharyan’s Disappointment Revealed at Candlelight Vigil”

The candles presented at the candlelight vigil hold no significance, according to Andranik Kocharyan, the President of the National Assembly Security Council. He expressed disappointment in the candles, as they do not convey any message. Kocharyan refrained from disclosing the exact number of candles, fearing they would ignite. Despite acknowledging the negative connotations of candles, he stressed that failing to respond would indicate a lack of awareness about the danger they represent. Kocharyan also mentioned that the documentation of village candles is lacking, and called for constructive actions instead of provocative ones.

During a press conference, Kocharyan responded to a question from Armenian Rustamyan regarding the potential expansion of the candles’ significance. He stated that anything is possible, but believed that the current candles were not suitable for such an interpretation. He explained that if evaluation was the purpose, they would neutralize everything daily, rather than postponing tasks for the next day in order to meet those expectations.

This article provides an update on the candlelight vigil held on April 9, with Andranik Kocharyan, the President of the National Assembly Security Council, giving his remarks to journalists. Kocharyan expressed disappointment in the candles’ lack of message, emphasizing that their quantity remains undisclosed to prevent accidents. While acknowledging the negative connotations of candles, he believed that failing to respond would indicate a lack of awareness. Kocharyan also addressed the documentation of village candles, calling for constructive actions rather than provocative ones. Additionally, he responded to a question about the expansion of the candles’ significance, suggesting that the current candles were not suitable for evaluation purposes.

Known for his narratives on migration and the struggles of Hispanic communities.