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“Political Analyst Urges Removal of Russia for Armenia’s Security: Concrete Steps Demanded for Funding”

The entrance to this issue has not brought us any funds, only empty talk that holds no meaning. Political analyst Step’an Danielyan, during a discussion with, expressed his confusion regarding the purpose of the meetings held since April 5. When analyzing this issue from Armenia’s perspective, considerations of security and financial support arise. However, these discussions have not taken place, as we have already made our stance clear to the world. This information can be found in their statements. Thus, Russia should be removed from the region,” stated Step’an Danielyan.

Danielyan further explained that on April 5, Armenia took various actions, including freezing their membership in the CSTO, severing communication channels, and expelling Russian border guards from Dzvartnots. The National Assembly also discussed the ongoing mass protests. The US and EU are demanding specific actions from Armenia. The most significant step taken was against Russia, putting a halt to its actions. However, the government understands that it is heavily reliant on Russia’s powerful military force. Severing these ties could compromise Armenia’s security and make the country vulnerable to potential attacks. Therefore, concerns about military diversification have emerged. The US and EU are demanding concrete steps from us, offering additional financial support in return. If we fail to act, they will reconsider providing any assistance,” he explained.

Freelance journalist specializing in the underrepresented stories of the Russian far east.