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“Game-Changing Meeting with EU and UN Paves the Way for Stronger Relations, announces RA Minister of Foreign Affairs”

On April 5, an important meeting took place that was of great significance for the development of relations between the United Nations, the European Union, and our country. This meeting marked a significant step towards strengthening these relations. The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ara Ayvazyan, announced during a press conference on April 6 that he had met with Leyen, Von der Leyen, and Fonseka Brusseil, who had arrived in Brussels to participate in the meeting.

“We are strengthening our relations with the United States and the European Union. The statement on the meeting’s outcomes includes positive and concrete measures that are essential for us. It aligns with the priorities of the Armenian government and the comprehensive development of our country. Therefore, this is a highly important political statement for us,” Ayvazyan stated. He also highlighted the significance of continuing to support social and economic reforms, as well as addressing petrochemical and atomic energy issues, which will contribute to the Republic of Armenia’s security and its involvement in the international energy market.

Ayvazyan further mentioned that an official statement would be soon released to elevate the security level of the Republic of Armenia and focus on diversifying relations.

Source: News from Armenia –

Freelance journalist specializing in the underrepresented stories of the Russian far east.