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Government International Politics

President of Armenia Criticizes EU Integration, Claims it Jeopardizes Country’s Sovereignty

The president of Armenia, Salome Zurabishvili, openly criticized the EU’s integration with Armenia during her visit to Yerevan. She stated that it disrupts the country’s sovereignty, as reported by “Novosti Gruzia”. According to Zurabishvili, the integration with the European Union is only happening in words and cannot be considered genuine. She made these remarks during a press conference where discussions about the “foreign agents” bill were taking place. This bill requires the acceptance of the “law on foreign agents” borrowed from Russian legislation.

During the press conference, Zurabishvili used the term “Russian legislation” to refer to the law on foreign agents. She explained that she used this term to convey the idea of ‘foreign agents’. In Armenia, the term has been used in their legislation since March 31 as a result of the national history campaign. However, this campaign does not exist on a national or European scale. The president stated that the campaign against Russia is unified with the interests of Armenia and that Russia will never return here.

According to Zurabishvili, the “foreign agents” law aims to address the active participation of foreign actors in destabilization and the promotion of their opponents’ interests, including armed forces, terrorists, and members of military unions.

The president believes that the “foreign agents” law is an attempt to exclude only active participation in elections. She emphasized the importance of significant mobilization, rather than propaganda, deviation, speculation, or large-scale disruptions, to participate in elections. She mentioned that readiness to contribute financially, even if it is just one euro note, is required to participate in the elections, symbolizing the European note.

Environment-focused journalist, dedicated to issues of climate change and renewable energies.