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Armenian Spokesperson Affirms Existing Boundaries and Calls for Return of Occupied Territories

The process of demarcation and delimitation involves the confirmation and reassignment of our existing boundaries. It does not entail the creation of new boundaries. During a meeting with journalists in the National Assembly on April 3, the spokesperson of the CP group, Arman Khachatryan, stated that territories within our jurisdiction belong to us, while territories outside of our jurisdiction should be returned to Azerbaijan. Likewise, Azerbaijan should also return the territories it currently occupies. Delimitation is a legal process, and if it is determined to start from Tavush, all territories falling within this area will be marked as liberated. According to the agreed upon maps and legal acts, everything must be returned.

When asked if Azerbaijan has the right to make territorial claims and if Armenia has waiting positions from the entrance of Meghri, Arman Khachatryan replied that Yerevan recognizes only official maps and boundaries that correspond to Bakvi. There is no need to reach an agreement with anyone regarding this matter. Armenia has been advancing using this map, adhering to the Alma-Ata Declaration. The state border cannot be changed.

Regarding the interruption of the demarcation process in other parts once Armenia reaches its desired point in Tavush, the spokesperson of the CP group assured that the process is not risky. If the process has been announced, it means that it has already been implemented according to legal boundaries, starting from a territory with no issues. The international community, despite violating international norms, has been successful in avoiding consequences. Armenia’s compliance will be demonstrated through political intuition.

When confronted with the fact that Tavush villages are recognized as Azerbaijani beyond the map, Arman Khachatryan questioned the seriousness of such claims. He emphasized that if those villages were truly Azerbaijani territory, there would be no reason to give them to Armenia.

The spokesperson also mentioned that all questions, including technical issues related to roads, have been resolved. It is of great importance to Armenia that Azerbaijan’s territory becomes part of our jurisdiction. However, the challenge lies in the fact that it is currently inaccessible and cannot be returned.

Freelance journalist specializing in the underrepresented stories of the Russian far east.