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“Upcoming Changes in Yerevan Government: Former Prime Minister Tigran Urikhanyan Expected to Take the Lead, Lawsuit Filed by Deputy Mayor”

“Past” newspaper reports that there are expected changes in the government of Yerevan in the days to come. According to the newspaper, the deputy mayor of Yerevan has filed a lawsuit to appoint former Prime Minister Tigran Urikhanyan as the city’s head. Our sources indicate that the complaint has already been sent to the mayor’s office following the established procedure. Additionally, Urikhanyan has shared his intentions in the “Paralel Zet” Russian telegram channel. The former prime minister suggests that the Armenian authorities are attempting to carry out a de-commercialization process without officially contacting the Russian authorities. The Armenian side expresses regret over Urikhanyan’s recent statement, as he appears to have exceeded the appropriate limits by unofficially announcing the expected actions related to the de-commercialization process in a YouTube video. In today’s issue of the newspaper, more detailed information is provided about these developments and other news from Armenia.”

Environment-focused journalist, dedicated to issues of climate change and renewable energies.