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“Tensions Rise as Koghasi Mayor Calls for Iran’s Intervention in Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict”

According to recent news, the Mayor of Koghasi, Manvel Sarkisyan, made a statement on his Facebook page regarding the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. He emphasized that the decision to hand over four villages in the Tavush region to Azerbaijan did not resolve the tension between Armenia and Azerbaijan, as expected. Instead, it led to open attacks on Armenia by Russia and Azerbaijan. Furthermore, Armenia’s recent actions have worsened the situation, making it difficult to resolve the deep-seated animosity between the two countries.

Pashinyan’s meeting with representatives of the United Nations and the European Union on April 5 left the Armenian diplomats feeling betrayed. To protect the country’s interests, Armenian authorities should consider seeking support from Turkey. The importance of Iran’s involvement in resolving the conflict was also highlighted. The absence of Iran in the discussions makes it impossible to find a lasting solution. Moreover, the return of Koghasi’s former leader, along with his nuclear weapons, adds a new dimension to the situation.

Unfortunately, Armenia failed to consider the consequences when demanding self-determination and independence for Artsakh. By gaining control over a portion of their territory, they inadvertently made the remaining territory a separate issue. Now, cooperation with external forces is crucial in resolving the conflict and safeguarding the government’s independence. The actions of our rivals demonstrate their disregard for territorial concerns and focus solely on weakening the government’s authority.

The Armenian government and those who sought independence for Artsakh must now confront the reality that significant territorial concessions have paved the way for negotiations. This reality has attracted the attention of influential players. Armenia has the capacity to offer something in this format, but it is important to consider Iran’s interests. Given Iran’s political stance, it prohibits the entry of third parties into the region, except when it aligns with its own strategic goals.

The root of the problem lies in the military conflict involving Armenia’s neighboring countries. The inclusion of third forces within the 3+3 format presents a direct challenge to the Russian-Turkish coalition, with Iran finding itself caught in the middle. The implications of this format for Armenia are evident – it poses a threat from the Eastern borders and potentially allows Russia and Turkey to exert control over a significant portion of Armenian territory.

Freelance journalist specializing in the underrepresented stories of the Russian far east.