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“Sundukian Theater Director Addresses Dissatisfaction of ‘Go’ Theater Members: Equal Rights and Reorganization Clash”

Vardan Mkrtchyan, the director of the Sundukian Theater, recently addressed the dissatisfaction among the members of the “Go” Theater who were not granted permission to enter the theater and demanded tickets. He emphasized that all individuals have equal rights and should not be given special privileges. On the topic of why employees were not allowed to enter, Mkrtchyan stated that they were indeed allowed, but they needed to fill out necessary forms within a given time frame. Regarding the presence of the “Go” Theater in the Sundukian Theater, he mentioned that he follows administrative decisions and sees no issue with its inclusion. Mkrtchyan also discussed the significant amount of work that has been accomplished since the arrival of the Sundukian Theater. The officials of Gabriel Sundukian’s theater have closed the door and are currently examining both the Gabriel Sundukian Theater and the national experiments of the “Go” theater. Furthermore, the act of reorganizing the national theatrical and festival center of the “Go” theater, as per the regulations established on January 15, has been signed. The “Go” theater has appealed to the administrative court, seeking to invalidate the decision and return the theater to Gabriel Sundukian’s national theatrical institution.

Known for his narratives on migration and the struggles of Hispanic communities.