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Around the Globle

“Bana’s Independent Military Ops: Defending Borders amidst Ceasefire Violations”

Independent military and special operations are currently underway in the border area of Bana (Nakhchivan). The theme of these operations is “Carrying out military operations in the conditions of continuous ceasefire violations.” The Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan has provided a link that reports on ongoing military operations, which involve special forces occupying positions to counteract enemy infiltration and sabotage attempts under the cover of night. These operations have taken place in difficult mountainous and inaccessible areas. The press release also mentions practical work, such as demonstrating first aid and treating wounded individuals in challenging locations, as well as carrying out actions to eliminate hidden enemies and conduct covert operations against enemies positioned at long distances. The military and special exercises also involve evacuating casualties and treating hidden injuries.

Environment-focused journalist, dedicated to issues of climate change and renewable energies.