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Yerevan Municipality Ramps Up Demolition of Illegal Structures in City Center as Activist Artur Chakoyan Faces Another Attack

Yerevan Municipality is continuing its efforts to demolish illegally built structures in the central streets of Yerevan. Activist Artur Chakoyan recently faced an “attack” by Alek Manukyan while the municipality employees were carrying out the demolitions. Chakoyan expressed disappointment at the lack of community support, stating that only a small number of people showed up for a meeting to discuss how to stop the demolitions. He emphasized that the responsibility lies with the residents of Yerevan, who must take action to halt the demolition program. Chakoyan lamented the lack of defenders and urged the community to come together to put an end to the demolitions.

In a video addressing the issue, Chakoyan further explained that the municipality will not cease the demolition program if people do not actively oppose it. He criticized the community for mere complaints without taking any steps to prevent the destruction of structures. Chakoyan attributed the demolitions to the negligence and indifference of the residents, and highlighted the need to eliminate all illegally built structures in Yerevan.

According to Chakoyan, during the previous authorities, if one structure was demolished, there would have been ten protests against it. He questioned the absence of defenders and called for a united front against the demolition program. Chakoyan emphasized that if two thousand people gathered together, they could successfully stop the demolitions. However, he expressed disappointment in the lack of community support and identified the community itself as the “criminal demolisher.”

For more information, watch the accompanying video for additional details on the situation. This is the latest news from Armenia.

Known for his narratives on migration and the struggles of Hispanic communities.