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Around the Globle

Yerevan City Administration Announces Major Bus and Trolleybus Upgrade to Improve Transportation Network

In a recent meeting of the Yerevan City Administration, Mayor Tigran Avinyan announced the signing of contracts for the purchase of trolleybuses and 171 new buses, which are vital for our transportation network. The acquisition of 18-meter buses is particularly significant as the deadline for using the current Higer buses is set to expire in 2025. While these buses have served us well, they have become worn out and need replacement. Additionally, there is a need to address the aging temporary lines and overall fleet. With the addition of 250 18-meter buses, we aim to meet the demand of our transportation network,” said Avinyan.

This news comes as a positive development for the city of Yerevan, as the modernization of the transportation infrastructure is crucial for ensuring efficient and reliable public transportation services. By replacing the worn-out buses and expanding the fleet, the city administration is taking steps towards improving the overall transportation experience for residents and visitors alike.

The decision to invest in new trolleybuses and buses is timely, considering the upcoming expiration of the Higer buses’ usability. These buses have played a significant role in the transportation network, but their wear and tear have made them less reliable. By procuring 18-meter buses, the city administration aims to address this issue and ensure a smooth transition to newer, more efficient vehicles.

In addition to replacing the outdated buses, the Yerevan City Administration also acknowledges the need to address the aging temporary lines. These lines play a crucial role in providing transportation services in various parts of the city. By modernizing and replacing these temporary lines, the city administration aims to enhance the connectivity and accessibility of public transportation for residents and visitors.

With the acquisition of 250 18-meter buses, the Yerevan City Administration aims to fulfill the demand of the transportation network. This step is expected to contribute significantly to improving the quality and efficiency of public transportation services in the city. By expanding the fleet, the city administration aims to reduce overcrowding and waiting times, providing a more comfortable and reliable transportation experience for all.

Freelance journalist specializing in the underrepresented stories of the Russian far east.