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“Russian Media Mogul Margarita Simonian Exposed: Calls for Terrorism Against Russians, Exploits Ukraine’s Infrastructure”

The Ukrainian security service has uncovered new activities by Russian media figure Margarita Simonian, who has called on Ukrainians to carry out acts of terrorism against Russians. Simonian is the founder of the Russia-based media outlet “RT” and part of the Putin media fund. She has been actively involved in supporting hybrid information and psychological warfare against Russia through disinformation and propaganda campaigns. The latest documented operations by Simonian include her instructions to Ukrainian children to carry out terrorist attacks against Russian civilians by December 2023. She has also targeted Ukraine’s infrastructure in areas affected by Russian military operations.

Meanwhile, Samvel Asatryan, known for sharing Kremlin narratives, regularly interprets news through his own Telegram channel and Russian television channels. The counterintelligence service has provided evidence of Simonian’s involvement in acts of terrorism, aggression against territorial integrity, military provocations, annexation legitimization, and affiliation with Russia’s assault on Ukrainian sovereignty. These findings are based on four articles from her military-themed book. This news comes from Armenia’s

Sports journalist, chronicling the journey of Armenian athletes in national and international arenas.