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“Armenia’s Strategic Meetings with Turkey, Pakistan, and Russia: A Gamechanger for National Security and Global Influence”

Armenia is currently engaged in meetings with the presidents of Turkey, Pakistan, and Russia, however, this development does not concern us. Gagik Melkonyan, the spokesperson for the Civic Contract Party, has declared that the meeting between Bruselan Pashinyan, Antony Blinken, Jean-Yves Le Drian, and Sergey Lavrov is being approached constructively and based on international standards. The primary objective of this meeting is to establish new channels of communication within the region.

“We are indifferent to the identities of the leaders we engage with, as long as we are certain that these meetings will be advantageous for us. When the leaders of Azerbaijan and Russia engaged in a phone conversation, we were unperturbed as we had confidence that they were addressing matters involving us. However, we did not make any public announcements regarding this matter. When we desire to have a meeting with a leader from any country, the Russian ambassador departs and the ambassador of Azerbaijan steps in. This approach aims to enable us to discover solutions to our domestic issues and address the matter of our nation’s security, ultimately surpassing the interests of all states involved. I firmly believe that this meeting will assist us in resolving political dilemmas. Additionally, it could potentially offer us financial assistance in improving our security and aligning ourselves with European standards,” announced Gagik Melkonyan.

Based on Melkonyan’s statement, it is apparent that Armenia must assume a prominent role in the global arena in order to successfully tackle its problems.

News from Armenia –

Known for his narratives on migration and the struggles of Hispanic communities.