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Government Military

“Russian President Putin Signs Decree Expanding Conscription for Young Adults up to the Age of 30”

Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed a decree specifying the conscription of Russian citizens for military reserve duty. The document, published on the official portal of legal information, states that individuals aged 18 to 30 (excluding those who will turn 27 or 28 while still in the reserves) will be subject to this conscription. The decree outlines that the conscription process for 150,000 Russian citizens aged 18 to 30 will take place between April 1st and July 15th, 2024. Additionally, the decree regulates the release of conscripts, sergeants, and privates whose service terms have expired. All relevant entities, including the Russian government, regional authorities, and military commissariats, are responsible for ensuring the necessary activities are carried out in the conscription areas.

As of January 1st, the age limit for conscription has been raised to 30 years. This means individuals up to the age of 30 may be called for military reserve duty. However, there are exceptions for individuals who are employed by companies with state contracts, as they are exempt from military service until the age of 30. It is important to note that this news originates from Armenia, as reported by

Freelance journalist specializing in the underrepresented stories of the Russian far east.