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US Ambassador in Moscow Slams Russia’s Human Rights Violations in North Caucasus

In Moscow, US ambassador Lynn Tracy has criticized Russia’s violations of human rights in the North Caucasus during a speech at Crocus City Hall, according to the BBC.

“Last week, the US Embassy held a difficult and frank conversation with several hundred Russian citizens,” the statement said. “I want to emphasize that the United States stands firm against all forms of human rights violations.”

The ambassador stated that “Russian authorities have harassed and systematically denied the usefulness of information,” which the US has provided to the Russian authorities at the beginning of March regarding the Russian government’s actions against the “security threats of Islamic State.”

“The fact is that the information provided by Russia’s authorities has been contradictory, timely, and unreliable,” the US ambassador stated in Moscow. “We have been providing information about security threats for many years to the Russian authorities and will continue to do so.”

The three Russian intelligence agencies, TASS, RIA Novosti, and Interfax, which are considered a highly credible source, previously announced that the information about the threat is not consistent.

In Tracy’s interview, it was mentioned that American authorities are responding to the demand of the Russian government’s requests at the Crocus City Hall to facilitate the investigation of the terrorist threat.

Known for his narratives on migration and the struggles of Hispanic communities.