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Military Politics

“Ukraine’s President Zelensky reveals surprising truth about international assistance against Russia: Funds never come to Ukraine”

The candidates provide significant assistance in the conflict with Russia in Ukraine, but this is precisely against their interests. In an interview with CBS News, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky announced that the Eastern Partnership supported Ukraine in overcoming the winter of 2023-2024, but it is not currently possible to limit the amount or duration of the assistance in the current conditions.

Zelensky emphasized that more than 75% of the funding allocated by the US Congress and the administration remains in the US. “The weapons come to us, but they are produced there, the obligations remain there… Can I say anything else? We are grateful to the US for everything, but Patriot systems, which we have, are not coming from the US,” Zelensky said.

You should understand that, for example, if a loaf of bread costs 1.5-2 million dollars for Patriot systems, which include missiles and others, these systems come from different countries, and these funds never come to us… These billion dollars never come to Ukraine as cash, and understanding this is important,” Zelensky added.

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