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Tensions Escalate: Deterioration of Armenia-Russia Relations Could Lead to Violence, Warns Deputy Head of “Hayk” Initiative

The deteriorating relations between Armenia and Russia could potentially lead to violence, warns Avetik Chalabyan, the deputy head of the “Hayk” initiative, in an interview with Chalabyan believes that many people in Armenia do not fully comprehend the implications of the conflict with Russia. He argues that Russia could retaliate by cutting off the free visa regime with Armenia, which would have severe economic consequences. Chalabyan emphasizes the need to prevent Russia from exploiting these levers of control and jeopardizing Armenia’s society and economy. Furthermore, he suggests that Armenia’s membership in the Eurasian Union could be at risk if a military conflict with Russia were to ensue.

Chalabyan raises concerns about Russia’s escalation along its borders, characterizing it as a potential war with Europe. This aggressive stance not only poses a threat to national security but also undermines Armenia’s agreements with Russia. Chalabyan also mentions the possibility of liberalizing the visa regime with the European Union, but cautions that pursuing this option would come at the cost of the lives of people from the villages of Tavush. He suggests that the priorities and aspirations of the population in these villages differ greatly from those seeking to travel to Europe.

Known for his narratives on migration and the struggles of Hispanic communities.