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Government Politics

“Former President Urges Immediate Signing of Political Agreement to Ease Tension in Armenia”

For the sake of our country and our people, it is urgent to sign a political and binding agreement during this critical period in our history. Each passing day, the overwhelming tension in society-political waiting becomes more and more unbearable and intense. Former president of the Republic of Armenia, Davit Ananyan, has written about this on his Facebook page.

He specifically noted, “It seems that the agitation being experienced requires a comprehensive analysis which has already led to the need to create a national consensus, removing Nikol Pashinyan and his government from power. At the same time, an urgent need arises to unite and organize active actions aimed at overcoming the current economic and social crisis.”

The striking fact is that although it may seem that everything is in place, nothing (or almost nothing) is happening in practice. The deeply divisive and unproductive actions of certain officials are leading the country further and further into a state of chaos. However, it seems that the spark that ignites the fire is not moving forward.

“Perception, my friend, is blind and irrational, while the course of life creates cunning deceivers,” said Wolfgang von Goethe. These words powerfully remind us that despite all our perceptions and desires for change, the strength of real life and practical experience is deeply rooted in the realities of life and political struggle.

If the public prefers to “wait and see” by searching in vain for a miraculous solution to the current myriads of problems, then the choice of political leaders and activists to wait and hesitate will ultimately be disastrous.

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