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“President Erdogan Defiantly Addresses International Opposition: Turkey Stands Victorious in Syria, Libya, Mediterranean, and Karabakh”

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan delivered a speech at the general assembly held in Bursa, where he addressed the challenges faced by Turkey in various regions including Syria, Libya, the Mediterranean Sea, and Karabakh. During his speech, President Erdogan mentioned how international forces have expressed opposition to Turkey’s actions in these areas. However, he emphasized that Turkey has been able to achieve success through its own military capabilities and dedicated efforts.

The Turkish TRT channel reported that President Erdogan highlighted the fact that Turkey has faced resistance and opposition from international powers with regards to its activities in Syria, Libya, the Mediterranean Sea, and Karabakh. Despite this, President Erdogan highlighted the achievements made by Turkey in these regions, attributing them to its own military capabilities and determined efforts.

In other news, the Armenian-based reported on President Erdogan’s speech at the general assembly in Bursa.

Freelance journalist specializing in the underrepresented stories of the Russian far east.