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“Rescue Service Warns of Closed and Treacherous Roads in Armenia: Travelers Urged to Exercise Caution”

Rescue services in the Republic of Armenia have issued a warning about the closure and difficult-to-pass roads within the country. One such road that is closed is the route leading from Aragatsotn Province’s “Amberd” high mountain meteorological station to Amberd fortress and Qari Lich Lake. Additionally, the Vardenyats Pass (Bukh) and Berd-Chambarak (Bukh) road are closed for all types of transportation. The Jughvani-Kirants road is closed to cargo carriers and poses difficulty for other types of vehicles.

In several regions, including Shirak, Lori, Gegharkunik (except for the city of Vardenis), and the areas known as Saravan-“Zänger”, Dilijan’s environs, Vardenyats Pass, Aparan, Talin, Aragatsotn, Dilijan, Berd, Tsaghkadzor, Charentsavan, Hrazdan, and Jermuk cities, icy conditions have been reported on the roads. Meanwhile, steep slopes in Syunik are particularly affected by black ice, and areas such as Ashotsk, Aragats, Talin, and Aparan regions are experiencing foggy conditions.

Regarding the Lar’s section, information from the SNCO RA MES and the central administration of the Russian Federation’s Southern Ossia is currently unavailable.

Freelance journalist specializing in the underrepresented stories of the Russian far east.