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Around the Globle

“Former Prosecutor-General Warns: RA Authorities Must Wake Up to the Growing Threats and Widespread Injustice”

The current situation should be a cause for concern regarding the safety of the Armenian authorities, as they have become clear targets. If they continue on their current path, they will no longer be able to feel safe in their own homes. Hayarapet Petrosyan, former prosecutor-general and leader of the Honest Prosecutor Movement, discussed the Yerevan Police Department’s attempts to suppress public demonstrations in an interview with According to Petrosyan, the demonstrations were met with violent suppression by Albert Bazeyan, the former head of the RA Special Investigation Service, who ordered house arrest instead of detention. This is not the first time the authorities have demonstrated such actions, which aim to suppress civil and judicial justice. The people are witnessing a lack of access to justice and are left with no alternative but to seek other means of protest. Petrosyan emphasized that the authorities have not provided a peaceful resolution to the problems at hand. He stated, “They are in opposition to the people and the Constitution, and they seem to be waiting for the people to fight back under certain circumstances. Although I do not condone these actions, the people have found no other recourse. Civil disobedience is a fundamental right. Who else can the people turn to when the justice system speaks a language of exploitation and the plunder of our nation?”

Freelance journalist specializing in the underrepresented stories of the Russian far east.