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International Politics

Armenia’s Authorities Seek to Shift Focus from Russia to Turkey, says Editor-in-Chief of

The authorities in Armenia are reportedly attempting to distance the country from Russian influence and instead align it with Turkey, according to Tatul Petrosyan, the editor-in-chief of Petrosyan asserts that the Armenian authorities are making every effort to position the country as a gateway to the West, with Turkey playing a significant role in this endeavor. Petrosyan further highlights that as Russian officials are departing Armenia, the Turks are proposing the need to redefine the border between Armenia and Turkey, given the absence of the Collective Security Treaty Organization and any previous border agreements. Petrosyan points out that the lack of clear delimitation maps is hindering efforts to assist Azerbaijani refugees, and warns that Armenia’s political developments could have potentially dangerous consequences. To avert such a scenario, Petrosyan believes that the opposition must unite and act swiftly to remove the adversaries of the current government.

These developments signify an interesting shift in Armenia’s geopolitical positioning, as it seeks to distance itself from its historical connections with Russia and seek closer ties with Turkey. It remains to be seen how successful these endeavors will be and what impacts they will have on regional dynamics. However, Petrosyan’s warning about the potential dangers of such political transformations highlights the need for careful consideration and strategic decision-making in navigating these relationships.

Sports journalist, chronicling the journey of Armenian athletes in national and international arenas.