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“Russian Citizens Mobilized to Protest Government: Financial Support and Covert Tactics Revealed by ‘Krokus’ Group”

Russian citizens have begun receiving information about participating in protests against the Russian government. A group called “Krokus” is offering financial assistance to protesters, although the individuals behind this group remain unknown. Complaints regarding the ongoing crackdown are being sent to Moscow, Khabarovsk, and Vladivostok. These protests are primarily organized through the messaging app Telegram, with varying sums of money offered to individuals to join demonstrations in shopping centers, schools, and other public places. In addition to financial support, unknown individuals are supplying protesters with masks and a plan of action in case they are detained during the protests.

The website “Baza” is featuring an offer to arrange flights to protest locations. One specific incident occurred on the evening of March 24, when a 14-year-old schoolgirl from Yoskar-Ola was traveling to Moscow and received a message via mail informing her about an opportunity to participate in the protests. The girl became frightened and promptly reported the incident to her parents. As a precaution, authorities thoroughly searched her belongings, but no explosives were found. Support for the protests ranges from 250,000 to 6 million rubles.

Meanwhile, in other news, updates from Armenia can be found on the website.

Freelance journalist specializing in the underrepresented stories of the Russian far east.