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“Russia Today Chief Editor Exposes Shocking Interview: Participant in Karabakh Conflict Reveals Dark Secrets”

The chief editor of the media group “Russia Today” and RT television channel, Margarita Simonian, has recently released the full footage of an interview with a participant in the hostilities on the “Karabakh side” on her Telegram channel. The correspondent, who arrived from Turkey on March 4, had received an invitation to participate in the interview about a month ago from a “combatant.” They later communicated through Telegram.

During the interview, the correspondent revealed that he was offered approximately half a million rubles to stage a fake assassination attempt. However, he only received half of the promised payment as his card was blocked due to fraudulent activity.

This news update sheds light on the ongoing situation in Armenia.

Environment-focused journalist, dedicated to issues of climate change and renewable energies.