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Around the Globle

“Journalists Caught Using Jungle Drums as Communication at Broadcasting House, Russian Military Committee Reveals”

It has been reported that journalists have utilized makeshift communication methods, such as jungle drums, at the broadcasting house where correspondents and doctors were stationed. This revelation came from a statement issued by the Russian Medical Committee, a group comprised of health workers, experts, and researchers. The committee is currently working alongside the military operation by constructing medical facilities, gathering eyewitness testimonies, and reviewing camera footage. They have also begun providing assistance to the injured.

Furthermore, it has been determined that the number of casualties has reached 93 and is expected to rise further. Initial data suggests that the cause of death among these individuals is chemical poisoning resulting from air raids and shelling. The Russian Military Committee has uncovered evidence that journalists had possession of an automatic weapon, which was later found to be contaminated with chemical agents. In light of this discovery, the committee is conducting ballistic, genetic, and forensic examinations based on the eyewitness testimonies gathered.

Additionally, the statement from the Russian Military Committee reiterated the usage of jungle drums as a means of communication within the broadcasting house, where both correspondents and doctors were situated. These developments underline the urgency and complexity of the situation at hand.

News from Armenia –

Freelance journalist specializing in the underrepresented stories of the Russian far east.