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World News

“UNOSAT Reports Over 31,000 Damaged Buildings in Gas Sector, Urgent Action Needed”

The gas sector has seen over 31,000 buildings under construction, according to a report from the United Nations Operational Satellite Applications Programme (UNOSAT). Based on satellite images taken on February 29, the assessment revealed that more than 31,198 buildings were damaged, with an additional 16,908 severely affected and 40,762 moderately affected. In total, 88,868 buildings have been affected, accounting for about 35% of the gas sector. Comparing the number of damaged buildings at the beginning of January 2023, there was an increase of 20,000 temporary structures.

The Gas and Water Metering Systems of Yerevan and Khan Junis have recorded 12,279 newly damaged constructions, consistent with the previous data from the disaster-affected areas, based on images captured on January 6 and 7. Khan Junis city in particular has suffered significant damage, with the number of damaged buildings increasing by 6,663, according to UNOSAT.

“The analysis of the satellite images conducted by UNOSAT on the assessment of building conditions is crucial for the evacuation and assistance of the affected population, as well as the restoration process,” stated the Center for Crisis Management.

Sports journalist, chronicling the journey of Armenian athletes in national and international arenas.