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“Norwegian Ambassador Honors Armenian Genocide Victims During Memorial Visit”

Newly appointed Ambassador of Norway to Armenia, Eldrid Vad Petrosian, visited the Armenian Genocide Memorial Complex on March 21st. During her visit, Ambassador Petrosian addressed the audience, presenting the history of the establishment of the Genocide Museum-Institute. She also paid tribute to the memory of the Armenian victims at the settlement of Sogmayt in Tsitsernakaberd, where she installed three crosses and a monument commemorating the victims of the Armenian Genocide and the Artsakh War. Ambassador Petrosian engaged in discussions with experts from the Artsakh Foundation, shedding light on historical facts about the Armenian Genocide and the actions of the Azerbaijani government during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. In the Armenian Genocide Memorial Park, Petrosian planted a cypress tree as a symbol of remembrance for the victims of the genocide. The visit concluded with the audience lighting small candles near the eternal flame in memory of the innocent victims.

During her visit to the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute, Ambassador Petrosian had the opportunity to familiarize herself with the museum’s work. She examined personal items, documents, and testimonies of Armenian genocide survivors displayed at the memorial plate. Petrosian expressed her gratitude for the chance to visit the museum and presented several books on the Armenian Genocide to the museum’s authorized representatives.

Environment-focused journalist, dedicated to issues of climate change and renewable energies.