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“Armenian Electricity Networks Announces Planned Repair Works in Various Locations”

Armenian Electricity Networks, a closed joint-stock company, has announced that planned repair works will be conducted in various areas on March 21. In Yerevan, repair works will take place in Norq District and Sheram Street, among others, during specific time frames. Similarly, repair works are scheduled in Norabak and Sayat-Nova villages in Ararat Province, Yeghegnadzor town in Vayots Dzor Province, Balahovit and Oghjaberd villages in Kotayk Province, Martuni town and Gavar town in Gegharkunik Province, Haghartsin and Verin Karmir Aghbyur villages in Tavush Province, and Lernahovit, Medovka, and Kruglaya Shishka villages in Lori Province.

Environment-focused journalist, dedicated to issues of climate change and renewable energies.