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“Smuggling Scandal Uncovered: High-Speed Devices and Surveillance Cameras Found in Armenia’s Ararat and Vayots Dzor Provinces”

On March 17, 2024, the Armenian National Security Service received information from the Department of Border Protection stating that a person was caught smuggling high-speed devices on the roads of Ararat and Vayots Dzor provinces. It was discovered that the person had a surveillance camera attached to one of the motorcade employees. The individual is a resident of Ararat province and is 36 years old.

According to, the person was transferred to the Division of Border Protection of the National Security Service and introduced to the team conducting the real operation.

The statement declared the person as wanted due to violations of Article 5.2 of Article 264 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Armenia and Article 2.2 of Article 452 which pertains to conducting military operations and committing illegal acts.

On the same day, high-speed devices of the “GAZ 311000” brand were present on the M-2 interstate road from 10:00 to 15:00. These devices were used near the residences of the residents of Syunik, Vayots Dzor, and Ararat provinces, as well as near the ramps of the high-speed devices installed near the residential areas of Zangakatun, Yeraskh, Armas, Suranavan, and the borders of the residents of Malishka, Arpi, Vaik. The aim was to intercept and confiscate weapons and drugs from vehicles. During this process, several items, including protective elements for the high-speed devices, protective covers for the headlights, the windshields of the high-speed devices, the surveillance camera, and the metallic cover of the devices, were discovered in a nearby ravine, having been removed from the river where they were thrown.

An incident was also recorded where a driver of a “GAZ 311000” vehicle destroyed six high-speed devices and their protective covers after receiving a signal from the residents of Surenavan village in Vayots Dzor province. The driver confirmed damaging the devices and throwing them into the river without any external influence.

On March 19, a complaint was filed against the 38-year-old suspect, charging them with violating Article 6.2 of Article 264 of the RA Criminal Code and Article 2.2 of Article 452.

The investigation is currently underway.

Known for his narratives on migration and the struggles of Hispanic communities.